Project Bluebird

Project Bluebird was a covert operation by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in the 1950s to research and develop mind-control techniques, including hypnosis, drugs, and psychological manipulation. It was the forerunner of the infamous MK-Ultra program and aimed to research methods for interrogation, counterintelligence, and covert operations.

Under the guise of research, Project Bluebird sought to understand and use methods to control human behavior and improve interrogation methods for intelligence purposes. The project involved experiments with various substances and techniques to manipulate and influence the minds of individuals.

Project Bluebird, along with MK-Ultra and related programs, later became highly controversial due to the ethical and moral implications surrounding human experimentation without informed consent. The project’s legacy continues to raise concerns about the use of covert programs and their impact on individual rights and ethical boundaries in pursuit of national security goals.

Project Bluebird

Historical FactsProject Bluebird
Duration1952–1969 AD
PurposeInvestigate and analyze UFO sightings
HeadquartersWright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio
Number of CasesOver 12,000 reported sightings
ClassificationIdentified (IFO), Unidentified (UFO)
Chief Scientific AdvisorDr. J. Allen Hynek
ConclusionsMost cases explained as natural phenomena
ClosureClosed in 1969, declassified in 1970
LegacyControversial and subject of ongoing UFO theories
Project Bluebird


An Assam Rifles post near Oinam village, Manipur was attacked and looted by the National Socialist Council of Nagaland (NSCN) on 9 July 1987. The act resulted in the killing of 9 jawans from the post and the looting of a large quantity of machinery and ammunition. In response to this act and to retain the looted firearms, Army officials launched Operation Bluebird. The search operation continued for more than 3 months till October 1987 in more than 30 villages but no arms and ammunition were found.

Historical Background

  • (1) The Manchurian Candidate is compelling evidence of the reality of therapist-created multiple personality disorder. This condition was created on purpose by mind control doctors. The experiments to create “super spies” of the Manchu candidates must be understood in their social and historical context, which is pervasive, systematic mind control experimentation, not by a few isolated renegades, but by leaders of psychiatry and major medical schools. Because this book is likely to provoke extreme reactions, I have taken great care to present only facts that are fully documented and based on objective, publicly available information.
  • (2) The basic premise of The Manchurian Candidate is that a group of American POWs in the Korean War were brainwashed on their way to freedom through Manchuria. They come back to the USA amnesiac for a period of brainwashing and one of them has been programmed to be an assassin. His target is the US presidential candidate. His Asian handlers control him with a hypnotically implanted trigger, a special playing card.
  • (3) Multiple personality disorder is now classified by the American Psychiatric Association as a dissociative identity disorder. By my definition, a Manchurian candidate is an experimentally created dissociative identity disorder that meets the following four criteria: (a) created intentionally, (b) a new identity is implanted, (c) amnesia barriers are created, (d) used in simulated or real operations.
  • (4) That the CIA created the Manchurian candidates is a fact and is easy to understand and justify from a national security perspective. I am not criticizing the CIA or the military because I am not an expert on intelligence matters. I am a psychiatrist specializing in dissociative disorders. BLUEBIRD blew the whistle on the widespread political abuse of psychiatry in North America in the second half of the 20th century. Many thousands of prisoners and the mentally ill have been subjected to unethical mind control experiments by leading psychiatrists and medical schools. Organized academic psychiatry has never acknowledged this history. The network of mind control doctors involved in BLUEBIRD has done great harm to the field of psychiatry and psychiatric patients. My goal is to break the ugly silence.
  • (5) The involvement of psychiatrists and medical schools in mind control research was not the matter of a few scattered physicians pursuing questionable lines of inquiry. Rather, mind control experimentation was systematic, organized, and involved many leading psychiatrists and medical schools. Mind control experiments were interspersed with radiation experiments and chemical and biological weapons research. They were funded by the CIA, Army, Navy, Air Force, and other agencies, including the Public Health Service and the Scottish Rite Foundation.
  • (6) Psychiatrists, psychologists, neurosurgeons, and other contractors performing the work were incorporated into a broad network of physicians. Much of the research has been published in medical journals. The climate was one of indulgence, support, and approval of mind control experimentation. The work of mind control doctors did not take place in a vacuum. Importing Nazi doctors into the US through secret programs like PAPERCLIP is part of the context. After the end of World War II, German scientists and technical experts were held in concentration camps. The British, French, Americans, and Russians engaged in highly competitive recruitment efforts to secure the services of these German specialists. The prospect of losing the industrial and scientific services of these German experts led to the creation of the PAPERCLIP project.
  • (7) Over 1,000 German scientists were secretly brought to the US without State Department approval. The most famous individual brought in this way was Werner von Braun, the rocket scientist. Von Braun was the head of Germany’s V2 rocket program. The NASA rockets that carried Neil Armstrong to the moon were built by von Braun and his colleagues. Doctors also went under PAPERCLIP. Likewise, the Tuskegee Syphilis Study helps us understand how mind control experimentation was not only tolerated by doctors but also published in the peer-reviewed literature. The study, which began in Alabama in 1932, was directed by the Public Health Service. 399 illiterate, poor, rural blacks with syphilis were recruited as subjects, along with 201 controls without syphilis.
  • (8) The purpose of the study was to ensure that the 399 men never received the treatment. Subjects and their families were not told that they had syphilis and did not know that it was treatable. They were told they had bad blood. The syphilis cure, penicillin, was introduced in the early 1940s. It was withheld from the Tuskegee men for 30 years. Published study results showed that men with untreated syphilis were sicker and died younger than controls. How many women have been infected with syphilis because these men were deliberately left untreated? How many babies were born with syphilis because of the study? The Tuskegee Syphilis Study was finally closed in 1972 due to the efforts of an investigative journalist. There is no evidence to suggest that the government or medical progress had any intention of shutting down the study since 1972. People and organizations with knowledge of the study included the Surgeon General, the American Heart Association, and the Center for Disease Control. Over its 40-year course, the Tuskegee Study has been praised and received various awards.
  • (9) The Tuskegee Study reports that a large network of physicians and organizations was willing to participate in, fund, and tolerate grossly unethical medical experiments by the 1970s. The study demonstrates that considerable external pressure is often required before the medical profession takes the necessary steps to end such experimentation. Unethical radiation experiments were conducted on about 600 subjects in the US from the 1940s to the 1970s. Many people were injected with plutonium and exposed to other forms of radiation without their informed consent. 18 patients were injected with plutonium in an experiment conducted as part of the MANHATTAN PROJECT. Inmates in Washington and Oregon state prisons were paid to have their testicles irradiated. They were paid $5 a month for the radiation. During the experiment, which took place between 1963 and 1971, the testicles of the subjects were exposed to 600 X-rays, 100 times the maximum recommended dose.
  • (10) Clouds of radioactive material were released into the atmosphere and watched as they moved downwind, often overpopulated areas. In one experiment, codenamed GREEN RUN, radioactive iodine-131 released from the Hanford nuclear facility drifted across Spokane. The plume contained hundreds of times more radiation than was accidentally released at Three Mile Island in 1979. As with mind control and biological weapons research, radiation research experiments were conducted on children and unwitting civilians. In 1961, researchers from Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital, and Boston University School of Medicine gave radioactive iodine to seventy retarded children at Wrentham State School. At the Fernald School, MIT gave children radioactive substances by putting them in their food. No risks of radioactivity were mentioned in the consent form signed by the parents. The consent form stated that the purpose of the experiments was “to help improve the nutrition of our children”.
  • (11) Dr. Saul Krugman of New York University and his staff in the 1950s and 1960s deliberately injected severely mentally retarded children at Willowbrook State School with the hepatitis virus, which was funded by the Army Medical Research and Development Command. Victims of unethical biological experiments have not yet been compensated. Army doctors were actively involved in LSD testing until at least the late 1970s. The subjects of the LSD experiments included children as young as five years old, and brain electrodes were implanted in children as young as 11 years old. Four of the CIA’s MK ULTRA subprojects involved children. Mind control doctors included presidents of the American Psychiatric Association and psychiatrists who received full-page obituaries in the American Journal of Psychiatry. Responsibility for unethical experimentation lies primarily with individual physicians, but also collectively with the medical profession and academia as a whole.

Cold War Mind Control Experimentation

  • (1) BLUEBIRD was approved by the CIA Director on April 20, 1950. In August 1951, the Project was renamed ARTICHOKE. BLUEBIRD and ARTICHOKE involved a large amount of work creating Amnesia, Hypnotic Couriers, and The Manchurian Candidate. The ARTICHOKE documents prove that hypnotic couriers functioned effectively in real-life simulations conducted by the CIA in the early 1950s. The extent to which these individuals were used in actual operations is still classified.
  • (2) The BLUEBIRD and ARTICHOKE documents available through the Freedom of Information Act, like all such documents, are heavily redacted. A large amount of text has been written and other documents must still be completely classified. BLUEBIRD and ARTICHOKE were served separately. Details of the programs were kept secret even from other CIA employees. When asked why the LSD research conducted under ARTICHOKE was hidden from the CIA committee in charge of ARTICHOKE, Sydney Gottlieb, Chief, Medical Staff, Technical Services Division, CIA, replied: “I suppose the only reason would be the fear of spreading awareness about its existence.”
  • (3) An article in the Wilmington Sunday News Journal dated February 18, 1979 states: “The interrogation of ARTICHOKE was conducted in a safe house in a remote rural area with security-cleared personnel. It was conducted under medical cover for a routine physical and psychological examination. The subject was taken to a safe house in a ‘hidden car. He was given a conventional interrogation in a safe house and then some whiskey. Two grams of phenobarbital followed to put him to sleep. A polygraph test and the Subject was given intravenous chemicals. After the chemically assisted interrogation, ARTICHOKE techniques were applied in three phases. “
  • (4) Operations ARTICHOKE involved the detailed, systematic creation of specific amnesia barriers, new identities, and hypnotically implanted codes and triggers. ARTICHOKE, dated January 7, 1953, describes the experimental creation of multiple personalities in two 19-year-old CIA girls. “H” is used as an abbreviation for hypnotism, hypnotism, or hypnosis: “These subjects have demonstrated that they can go from a fully awake state to a deep H state controlled by telephone, through some very subtle signal that cannot be detected by other persons in the room, and without the other subjects being able to detect it.” Change. It has been demonstrated that individuals can be brought to H by telephone, receiving written materials, or using a code, signal, or words. Control of those hypnotized can be passed from one individual to another without much difficulty. Experimentation with these girls has also shown that they can act as unwilling couriers for information purposes and that they can be conditioned to the point of believing a change of identity on their part even on a polygraph.”
  • (5) Another ARTICHOKE document describes “Analog Case #3.” “A CIA Security Office employee was hypnotized and given a false identity. She vehemently defended it, denying her real name and convincingly justifying the possession of identification cards that exposed her true self. Later, after having the false identity erased by suggestion, she was asked if she had ever five minutes before she heard of the name she defended as her own. She thought, shaking her head and saying, ‘That’s a fake if I ever heard one.’ She had real amnesia for the entire episode.
  • (6) In an experiment described in a document entitled “SI and H experimentation (September 25, 1951),” two female subjects participated in an exercise involving the placement of a bomb. Both subjects performed perfectly and were fully amnesic for the exercise: “She was instructed that upon awakening she would go to a room where she would wait at a table for a telephone call. Upon receiving the call, a person known as ‘Jim’ would engage in normal conversation with her. During the conversation, the person would mention the code word. When she heard the code word she went into a SI trance state but did not close her eyes and remained completely normal and continued the conversation on the phone.
  • (7) She was told that she would carry out instructions after the telephone conversation was over: “She was shown an electronic timing device. She was informed that the device was a bomb and then instructed how to set the device.” deleted] learned how to set up and attach the device, she was told to take the timing device that was in the briefcase and proceed to the ladies room [where] she was met by a girl she had never seen who would identify herself with the code word “New York .” was then to show that person how to attach and adjust the timing device, and further instructions would be given that the timing device was to be carried in a case to the [deleted] room, placed in the nearest empty electric light plug and concealed in the bottom, left drawer [ a] table, with the device set to 82 seconds and turned on.”
  • (8) The BLUEBIRD/ARTICHOKE materials conclusively demonstrate that full-fledged Manchurian candidates were created and successfully tested by CIA TOP SECRET-cleared doctors. In addition to being potential couriers and infiltration agents, subjects can function as hypnotically controlled cameras. They could enter a room or building, quickly memorize the materials, leave the building, and then be amnesiac for the entire episode. The memorized material could then be retrieved by the manipulator using a previously implanted code or signal without disrupting the amnesia. However, hypnosis was not the only method mind control doctors used to create controlled amnesia. Drugs, magnetic fields, sound waves, sleep deprivation, solitary confinement, and many other methods have been studied within BLUEBIRD and ARTICHOKE.
  • (9) Another problem repeatedly addressed in the documents is called the “Object Handling Problem”. Several workers recommended the use of lobotomies for this purpose, but this was rejected as too unethical and too high a negative publicity risk, according to the documents. The use of electric shock to the brain to produce amnesia with hypnosis was discussed in the ARTICHOKE document of December 3, 1951: “he is listed as an expert on electric shock. He is an eminent psychiatrist. He explained that electric shock might be very interesting for work of the type ” artichoke”. He stated that a standard electric shock machine could be used (Reiter). He stated that by using this machine with the convulsive treatment he could guarantee amnesia for some time and in particular he could guarantee amnesia for any knowledge of the use of the convulsive shock. He stated that the lower setting of the machine produced a different type of shock. When this lower current type of shock was applied without convulsions, it resulted in a man talking. He said that this type of shock caused excruciating pain in the individual. He stated that there would be no doubt that the individual would be quite willing to provide information if he was threatened by the use of this machine. It was the opinion that individuals could be gradually reduced to the level of vegetables through the use of electroshock treatment.”


  • (1) ARTICHOKE and BLUEBIRD were administratively transferred to MKULTRA, which was created by the CIA on April 3, 1953. MKULTRA was in turn transferred to MKSEARCH on June 7, 1964. MKSEARCH then ran until June 1972, at which time CIA Director Richard Helms extensive MKULTRA and MKSEARCH file shredding. Surviving MKULTRA documents can be obtained from the CIA under the Freedom of Information Act. In the 1970s there was a round of declassification of mind control documents that were the basis of books published in the 1970s and 1980s.
  • (2) A document entitled “Hypnotic Experimentation and Research, February 10, 1954, describes a simulation experiment relevant to the creation of the Manchu Assassins: “The young lady was then instructed (having previously expressed fear of firearms) which she would use. every means at her disposal to rouse the young lady (now in a deep hypnotic sleep), and failing that, she would take a pistol nearby and fire it at the young lady.” She was instructed that her rage would be so great that she would not hesitate. “to kill” for failing to be awakened. The missus carried out these suggestions to the letter, including firing an (unloaded) gun at [deleted], and then fell into a deep sleep. After the proper suggestions were made, they were both awakened and expressed as complete amnesia for the entire sequence. Miss [deleted] was again handed the weapon, which she refused (while awake) to pick up or accept from the operator. She expressed absolute denial that the above sequence had occurred.”
  • (3) MKULTRA was divided into 149 sub-projects. One group of sub-projects involved the development and testing of mind control drugs. The goal was to identify compounds that would aid in interrogation and in creating amnesia. The CIA sponsored LSD research through MKULTRA. It also funded LSD conferences and books. An undated paper titled “D-lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LDS-25)” states “Some of the most prominent effects are mental confusion, helplessness, and extreme anxiety that are caused by minute doses of this substance. Based on these reactions, its potential use in offensive psychological warfare and interrogation is considerable. It may become one of the most important psychochemical agents.”
  • (4) The unethical practices of doctors and the direct involvement of pharmaceutical companies are part of the history of hallucinogens. Eli Lilly received a TOP SECRET clearance grant of $400,000 in 1953 to manufacture and supply LSD to the CIA. Army research on LSD took place in 1977 when LSD was a controlled substance. At least 1,500 soldiers were given LSD without informed consent as part of the Army’s mind control experiments. These facts have never been subject to ethical review or any policy or position statement by any medical organization. Frank Olson was a Fort Detrick biological warfare expert who committed suicide in 1953 after Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, director of MKULTRA, administered LSD hidden in liquor. It was only after reading Nelson Rockefeller’s 1975 report on the CIA, published 22 years after Olsen’s death, that Olson’s family found out that he committed suicide after a bad LSD trip. Congress awarded them $750,000 in compensation.
  • (5) Biological warfare (BW) and chemical warfare (CW) research involved testing at many sites. CW research involved the release of bacteria and viruses into areas of the general population. The bacterium Serratia marcescens was released in New York (June 1966), San Francisco (September 1950), and Pennsylvania (January 1955). An article in the Archives of Internal Medicine describes eleven Serratia marcescens infections observed in one hospital in San Francisco between September 1950 and February 1951. The article was published because Serratia marcescens infections are very rare. Subproject MKULTRA 35 involved funding the construction of the Gorman Annex at Georgetown University Hospital in Washington, DC. The annex’s total budget of $1.25 million was to provide a hospital safe house for mind control research. One-sixth of the space was reserved for the CIA, which housed three biochemists there under cover.
  • (6) Another group of sub-projects consists of experiments and research into non-chemical mind control. This group of sub-projects constitutes about one-quarter of the total number of MKULTRA sub-projects. It includes most suppliers with an unconscious status. Unaware contractors are those who do not realize that the research money is coming from the CIA because it has been transferred through a cutout or front organization. All in all, psychologists and sociologists were unwitting contractors, while doctors, chemists, and biologists had TOP SECRET clearance and knew they were working for the CIA. In CIA terminology, these people wrote. Like the Tuskegee Syphilis Study and radiation research, MKULTRA involved direct experimentation on children without the informed consent of their parents or guardians. In the case of the Tuskegee study, children were harmed by preventable congenital syphilis. V. During radiation experiments were damaged by direct exposure after birth or in utero during experiments on their mothers. Four of MKULTRA’s sub-projects involved research on children. The deliberate creation of multiple personalities in children is explicitly stated in the MKULTRA sub-project proposal submitted for funding on May 30, 1961.

The Mind Control Doctor’s Ewen Cameron

  • (1) Throughout the 20th century, academic psychiatry provided no public comment, ethical guidance, or moral oversight regarding mind control experimentation, even though leading psychiatrists and medical schools were well-funded by the CIA . and the military for mind control research. Doctors at Yale, Harvard, McGill, Stanford, UCLA, and other major universities have experimented on mental patients, cancer patients, and unwitting citizens. These human guinea pigs were never told that they were subjects in the CIA’s military and mind. control experiments and never gave informed consent. They received no systematic follow-up documenting the harm done to them. The well-being of ‘human subjects’ was not a relevant variable in the academic equation.” Mind-control doctors saw their patients as biological machines, a view that made them subhuman and therefore easier to abuse in mind-control experiments.
  • (2) The MKULTRA supplier that has been written about the most is Dr. Ewen Cameron. Cameron began conducting unethical and inhumane brainwashing experiments at Brandon’s mental hospital in the 1930s. Schizophrenic patients were forced to lie naked in red light for eight hours a day for up to eight months. Another experiment involved overheating patients in an electric cage until their body temperature reached 102 degrees. Dr. Cameron massively overused coma therapy by putting patients in a coma for 2 to 5 hours a day for up to 50 days straight. At various times, Dr. Cameron was president of the Quebec, Canadian, American, and World Psychiatric Associations. He was one of the four co-founders of the World Psychiatric Association.
  • (3) In an article published in the American Journal of Psychiatry entitled “Psychic Driving”, Dr. Cameron’s brainwashing techniques. The psychic ride was done in two stages. In the first phase, patients were depatterned, which meant being reduced to a vegetative state through a combination of massive amounts of electroconvulsive shock, drug-induced sleep, and sensory isolation. After complete depatterning, patients were incontinent of urine and stool, unable to feed themselves, and unable to state their name, place, or date. In the second stage, a psychological drive was introduced. This consisted of hundreds of hours of tape loops played to the patient through headphones, special helmets, or speakers in a sensory isolation room. Dr. Cameron received a grant from Health and Human Services Canada. for $57,750 for the years 1961 to 1964 for “Studies of Factors which Promote or Retard Personality Change in Individuals Exposed to Prolonged Repetition of Verbal Signals.”
  • (4) Linda MacDonald was a victim of unethical, destructive mind control experiments by Dr. Cameron between May 1 and September 12, 1963. Cameron used a “treatment” that involved the intensive application of three brainwashing techniques; drug disinhibition, prolonged sleep treatment, and prolonged psychological isolation. These were combined with ECT (electroconvulsive therapy) treatment. The amount of electricity introduced into Linda’s brain exceeded 76.5 times the maximum amount recommended in the American Psychiatric Association’s ECT Guidelines. Dr. Cameron proved that doctors skilled in the proper procedures could erase a subject’s memory. His depatterning technique resulted in permanent and complete amnesia. To this day, Linda MacDonald remembers nothing from her birth until 1963. As noted by the nurses in her chart, Linda has been reduced to a vegetable state. She was completely disoriented. She didn’t know her name, her age, or where she was. She did not recognize her children. She could not read, drive, cook, or use the toilet. Not only did she not know her husband, she didn’t even know what a husband was.
  • (5) In Linda MacDonald’s life there is a connection to politics, power, and weapons. Her husband worked for the Canadian Armament Research Development Establishment. His immediate boss was the man who sold weapons to Saddam Hussein. His boss was also linked to the Iran-Contra affair and was assassinated in Europe a few years ago. Linda’s life changed when, on January 17, 1984, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation’s program, The Fifth Estate, aired a segment on Dr. Cameron. A Vancouver newspaper ran a full-page story on Robert Loggia, a Vancouver man who had been experimented on by Dr. Cameron. Loggie was a plaintiff in a class action lawsuit against the CIA over the MKULTRA experiments of Dr. Cameron, which was settled out of court for $750,000, divided among the eight plaintiffs.
  • (6) Mom phoned Linda about the program. Linda was shaking a lot in response to the message and didn’t know what to do. Through a reporter, she was put in touch with a Washington lawyer representing the eight Canadian plaintiffs. He advised Linda that she could not be a party to the class action suit against the CIA because she had been “treated” by Dr. Cameron after his CIA funding ceased. The Canadian government received funding until 1963. She eventually received $100,000 plus legal fees from the Canadian government. The fact that the unethical, inhumane, and grossly damaging experiments of Dr. Cameron have been published in the psychiatric literature [34] [35] [36] is a condemnation of the journal’s editorial standards, not a vindication of Dr. Cameron.

The Mind Control Doctor’s G.H. Estabrooks

  • (1) G.H. Estabrooks is the only mind control doctor who has publicly acknowledged building the Manchurian Candidates. In his book Spiritism, Dr. Estabrooks describes experiments conducted by military psychiatrist Dr. P. L. Harriman. Dr. In his book Hypnotism, Estabrooks states that the creation of experimental multiple personalities for operational use in military subjects, which he calls superspies, is ethical due to the demands of war. In a chapter entitled “Hypnosis in War,” he comments that: “the hand of the army must not be tied by any silly prejudices in the minds of the general public. War is the end of all law. In the final analysis, any device that allows us to protect ourselves from defeat is justifiable.
  • (2) In a May 13, 1968 article in the Providence Evening Bulletin, Estabrooks is described as a former consultant to the FBI and CIA and is quoted as saying that “the key to making an effective spy or assassin lies in splitting a person’s personality or creating multiple personalities through hypnosis.” This is not science fiction. This is done and done. I did it.” Dr. Estabrooks’ proposal to the CIA, dated June 22, 1954, states: “In deep hypnosis, a subject, military or civilian, can be given a message to be delivered to tell Colonel X in Berlin. The message will be completely safe because the subject will have no memory of the message while awake. It can be arranged that the subject will not know that he has ever been hypnotized. It can be arranged that no one but Colonel X in Berlin can hypnotize the subject and recover the message …I will take several men and induce a split personality state in them by hypnosis. They will consciously be ardent communists, fanatical adherents of the party line. Unwittingly, they will be loyal Americans determined to thwart the Communists at every turn. These men will not know that they have been hypnotized and can only be hypnotized by persons chosen by the original operator. He consciously joins forces with the communists and learns all their plans. Once a month, like loyal Americans, they tell what they know. It sounds unbelievable, but I assure you it will work.”
  • (3) In a 1971 Science Digest article, Dr. Estabrooks claimed to have created hypnotic couriers and counterintelligence agents for operational use: “The Hypnotic Courier” provides a unique solution. During World War II, I participated in the preparation of military items. One successful case involved an army captain. He was an excellent subject, but he did not realize it. With a post-hypnotic suggestion, I removed all memory of him ever being hypnotized. I put him under deep hypnosis and orally gave him a vital message to be delivered directly on his arrival in Japan to a certain colonel, let’s say his name was Brown, of military intelligence. Besides me, Colonel Brown was the only person who could hypnotize Captain Smith. This is ‘locking in.’ happened in a trance The system is practically flawless.
  • (4) In the 1920s, (clinical hypnotists) not only learned to apply post-hypnotic suggestions but also learned to split certain complex individuals into multiple personalities, such as Jeckyl-Hydes. During World War II, I worked on this technique with a vulnerable Marine lieutenant I’ll call Jones. I split his personality into Jones A and Jones B. Jones A, once a “normal” working marine, has become completely different. He talked about communist doctrine and he meant it. He was enthusiastically welcomed by the Communist cells, and the Corps deliberately granted him a dishonorable discharge and became a card-carrying member of the Party. Jones B had a deeper personality, he knew all the thoughts of Jones A, he was a loyal American and during the conscious stages, he was “impressed” not to say anything. All I had to do was hypnotize the whole man, hook up with Jones B, a loyal American, and I had a pipeline straight into the Communist camp. It worked beautifully for months.
  • (5) Dr. Estabrooks experimented on children. He corresponded with FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover about the use of hypnosis to interrogate juvenile delinquents. His experimentation on children raises the possibility that the investigators tried to create Manchu candidates in the children. Such a possibility may seem far-fetched until one considers LSD, biologicals, and radiation. experiments conducted on children, the fact that four MKULTRA sub-projects were on children and that the hypnotic subjects described in the CIA documents include girls as young as 19 years old.

Other Mind Control Doctors

Dr. Harold Wolff, a professor of medicine at Cornell, was director of the CIA cutout (a front organization), the Human Ecology Foundation, and an investigator of the MKULTRA 61 subproject. Wolff’s accomplishments include serving as president of the American Neurological Association and editor of the Archives of Neurology. Dr. Martin Orne is one of the leading hypnosis experts of the 20th century. For about 30 years he was the editor of The International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis. He is one of two psychiatrists professionally active until the late 1990s who is a documented CIA mind control contractor, along with Dr. By Louis Jolyon West. Dr. West, who killed an elephant with LSD at the Oklahoma City Zoo, had a TOP SECRET clearance with the CIA and the military. Dr. William Sweet participated in both brain electrode implantation experiments and uranium injections into medical patients at Harvard University. 925-page final report. The Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments tells the story of radiation experiments and their connection to mind control.

Brain Implants

  • (1) CIA Memorandum for Subproject MKULTRA 142 describes the control of animals through stimulation of brain electrodes. The overall goal was clear; control the mind and behavior and create dissociation using a combination of drugs, hypnosis, brain electrode implants, electric shock, and sending different types of energy into the brain. The ability to create limited, controlled amnesia using a variety of methods has been a primary goal of mind control programs. Experiments with brain electrodes have also been performed on humans. Dr. Jose Delgado, a neurosurgeon and professor at Yale, received funding for the brain. electrode research in children and adults. He was able to control the movements of his animals and people by pressing buttons on a remote transmitter. In one article, Dr. Delgado describes cats as “mechanical toys”.
  • (2) An 11-year-old boy experienced a partial identity change after remote stimulation of his brain electrode: “Electrical stimulation of the superior temporal convolution evoked feminine striving and confusion about his own sexual identity. The patient, an 11-year-old boy said, “I wondered if I was a boy or a girl, which I’d like to be,” and “I’d like to be a girl.” After one of the simulations, a patient suddenly began discussing a desire to marry a male interviewer. Temporal lobe stimulation elicited open expressions and declarations of pleasure in another patient, accompanied by giggling and joking with the therapist In two adult female patients, stimulation of the same area was followed by a discussion about marriage and an expression of a desire to marry the therapist.
  • (3) Research on brain electrodes was also carried out independently of Harvard by co-authors Dr. Delgada, Dr. Vernon Mark, Frank Ervin, and William Sweet. Mark and Ervin describe implanting brain electrodes in a large number of patients at Harvard Hospital. A patient named Jennie was 14 years old when electrodes were inserted into her brain. In Mark and Ervin’s Violence and the Brain, photographs show 18-year-old Julia smiling, angry, or punching a wall depending on which button is pressed on the transmitter box sending signals to her brain electrodes.
  • (4) Dr. Heath, chairman of the Department of Psychiatry and Neurology at Tulane University, placed brain electrodes in a young gay man and fitted him with a box. A button on the box could be used to electrically stimulate an electrode implanted in the septal region of his brain, the pleasure center. During one three-hour period, the patient, referred to as B-19, was stimulated 1,500 times. “During these sessions, B-19 became stimulated to the point of almost overwhelming euphoria and exhilaration and had to be disconnected, despite his vigorous protests.

Non-lethal weapons

  • (1) Non-lethal weapons are a broad category that includes devices for projecting various types of energy at human targets to temporarily incapacitate them or to control or influence their behavior. Non-lethal weapons research was conducted at US universities under contract to the CIA and overlapped with research into hallucinogens and brain electrode implants. Funding for the experiments began at MKULTRA.
  • (2) Subproject 62 documents that “certain types of radiofrequency energy have been found to cause reversible neurological changes in chimpanzees. Subproject 54 studied how to induce concussions at a distance using mechanical pressure waves traveling through the air. The contractor says that such a post-concussion ” it is always followed by loss of memory of the actual moment of the accident.” He further states: “The duration of the blast would be on the order of tenths of a second. Masking a noise of this length should not be difficult. It would be advantageous to demonstrate the effectiveness of both of the above methods as tools in brainwashing therapy.”
  • (3) Subproject MKULTRA 119 was a literature search that included a summary of existing information on “Techniques for activating the human organism by remote electronic means.” According to a report in Defense Electronics, non-lethal weapons technology was considered for use on David Koresh during the Branch Davidian siege in the spring of 1993. Research into the ability of magnetic fields to facilitate the creation of false memories and altered states of consciousness is being funded by the Defense Intelligence Agency under the code name Project SLEEPING BEAUTY. “Sleeping Beauty was a Department of Defense study of microwave miniaturization techniques.”
  • (4) There is ample evidence in the public domain that research into non-lethal weapons is ongoing and funded to the tune of tens of millions of dollars or more each year. Since chemical and biological weapons, mind control drugs, and radiation have been tested on unwitting civilians, non-lethal weapons may have been tested on unwitting civilians.
  • (5) A memorandum by Richard Helms, Acting Deputy Director to Allen Dulles, Director of the CIA, dated April 3, 1953, and entitled “Two Extremely Sensitive Research Programs (MKULTRA and MKDELTA)” contains the statement: “Even internally at the CIA, since few individuals if possible, we should be aware of our interest in these areas and the identity of those who work for us. Currently, this results in ridiculous contracts, often with cutouts [of the front organization] that do not explain the scope or intent of the work. Full government audits of such contracts are impossible for the same reason.


The involvement of physicians, including psychiatrists, in BLUEBIRD and ARTICHOKE was extensive, systematic, and essential to the programs. Involvement included consultations, literature reviews, experimentation, and direct participation in field operations. The full extent of this involvement is unknown because the names of the mind-control doctors who built the Manchurian candidates are redacted from documents released under the Freedom of Information Act and because there are undoubtedly other documents that are still classified.

(FAQ) Questions and Answers about Project Bluebird

1. What was Operation Bluebird?

Ans: Operation Bluebird was an early American intelligence project launched in the 1950s by the US Air Force to study UFO sightings and their potential psychological and security implications. It was later renamed Operation Blue Book.

2. Why was it renamed Operation Blue Book?

Ans: Operation Bluebird was renamed Operation Blue Book in 1952, and its focus shifted primarily to the investigation of UFO reports rather than its original emphasis on psychological warfare.

3. What were the objectives of Operation Bluebird?

Ans. The objectives of Operation Bluebird included understanding and investigating UFO sightings, assessing their potential national security threats, and determining whether they had any psychological or propaganda value.

4. Who was involved in Operation Bluebird?

Ans. The U.S. Air Force, as well as other military and intelligence agencies, were involved in Operation Bluebird, and it later evolved into a more comprehensive program known as Project Blue Book.

5. Did Operation Bluebird uncover evidence of extraterrestrial life?

Ans: Operation Bluebird did not uncover definitive evidence of extraterrestrial life. It investigated and analyzed numerous UFO sightings but often provided conventional explanations for these phenomena.

6. When did Operation Bluebird end?

Ans: Operation Bluebird was renamed Operation Blue Book in 1952, and Project Blue Book continued until 1969, when it was officially closed by the US Air Force.

7. What is the legacy of Operation Bluebird/Blue Book?

Ans. The legacy of Operation Bluebird and Project Blue Book is the extensive collection of UFO reports and investigations. While they did not prove the existence of extraterrestrial life, they contributed to the understanding of UFO phenomena and continue to be of interest to researchers and enthusiasts.

8. Are there declassified documents related to Operation Bluebird/Blue Book?

Ans. Yes, many documents related to Operation Bluebird and Project Blue Book have been declassified and are available to the public. They provide valuable insights into the investigations and findings of the time.

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