Set 25: UGC Net History Online Mock Test

Set 25: UGC Net History Online Mock Test held in India: 25 multiple-question answers from the history topic of the UGC NET Exam are given below.

Set 25: UGC Net History Online Mock Test

Mock Test Set25
Question TypeMCQ
ExamUGC Net

First Part: UGC Net History Online Mock Test

1. Who of the following Pali authors is believed to have written Milinda-Panho (Questions of King Milinda)?

  • (a) Nagasena
  • (b) Buddhadatta
  • (c) Buddhaghosa
  • (d) Dhammapala

Ans. (a) Nagasena

2 . The site of Buddha’s birth is marked by the celebrated –

  • (a) Rummindei Pillar of Asoka
  • (b) Rampurva Pillar of Asoka
  • (c) Sarnath Pillar of Asoka
  • (d) Ghositaramma monastery at Piparhawa

Ans. (a) Rummindei Pillar of Asoka

3. The famous Dhammapada—the Discourses of the Buddha—is a part of:

  • (a) Sutta Pitaka
  • (b) Vinaya Pitaka
  • (c) Abhidhamma Pitaka
  • (d) Digha Nikaya

Ans. (a) Sutta Pitaka

4. The child Siddhartha was brought up by his aunt and stepmother:

  • (a) Prajapati Gautami
  • (b) Sujata
  • (c) Amrapali
  • (d) Mahamaya

Ans. (a) Prajapati Gautami

5. Which of the following Pali canons of the Sthaviravada consists of metaphysical disquisitions?

(a) Sutta Pitaka

(b) Vinaya Pitaka

(c) Abhidhamma Pitaka

(d) Dhammapada

Ans. (c) Abhidhamma Pitaka

Second Part: UGC Net History Online Mock Test

6. Which of the following was not a disqualification for entry to the Buddhist sangha?

  • (a) Being below the age of fifteen
  • (b) Suffering from infectious disease
  • (c) One who had to pay debts
  • (d) One who has been convicted

Ans. (d) One who had been convicted

7. Which of the following is not one of the Mahayana texts?

  • (a) Lalitavistara
  • (b) Sutta Vibhanga
  • (c) Saddharma-Pundarika
  • (d) Samadhiraja

Ans. (b) Sutta Vibhanga

8. According to the Buddha, the cause of all human sorrows is Trishna, which means:

  • (a) Desire for worldly things
  • (b) Desire for material enjoyments and worldly things
  • (c) Worldly attachments
  • (d) Hyperactivity of the mind

Ans. (b) Desire for material enjoyments and worldly things

9. Which of the following is not a biography of Lord Buddha?

  • (a) Lalitavistara
  • (b) Mahavastu
  • (c) Nidanakatha
  • (d) Mahavamsa

Ans. (b) Mahavastu

10. One the Buddhist scholars, who enjoyed great celebrity all over the Buddhist world as a grammarian, philosopher, and poet, was:

  • (a) Chandragomin
  • (b) Santideva
  • (c) Vasumitra
  • (d) Nagarjuna

Ans. (a) Chandragomin

Third Part: UGC Net History Online Mock Test

11. Which of the following works, included in Vaipulya Sutras (nine canonical books of Mahayanists), is a typical Mahayana work containing all the characteristic features of that school?

  • (a) Saddharmapundarika
  • (b) Lalitavistara
  • (c) Lankavatara
  • (d) Suvarnaprabhasa

Ans. (a) Saddharmapundarika

12. The famous Jataka stories, dealing with the previous births of Gautama Buddha are included in Nikaya:

  • (a) Samyutta
  • (b) Khuddaka
  • (c) Digha
  • (d) Anguttara

Ans. (b) Khuddaka

13. A Buddhist scholar, who has been described as a “poet, musician, preacher, moralist, philosopher, playwright, tale-teller… an in- vendor in all these arts… he recalls Milton, Goethe, Kant, and Voltaire”, was :

  • (a) Asvaghosha
  • (b) Nagarjuna
  • (c) Asanga or Aryasanga
  • (d) Vasubandhu

Ans. (a) Asvaghosha

14. Who was the greatest Buddhist commentator of Buddhist canonical literature?

  • (a) Ashvaghosha
  • (b) Buddhaghosha
  • (c) Vasumitra
  • (d) Nagarjuna

Ans. (b) Buddhaghosha

15. The Mahaparinibbna-sutta, which is a detailed account of the last days of the Buddha (his death and funeral ceremonies), is included in the — Nikaya of Sutta Pitaka:

  • (a) Digha
  • (b) Majjhima
  • (c) Samyutta
  • (d) Khuddaka

Ans. (a) Digha

Fourth Part: UGC Net History Online Mock Test

16. Which of the following is considered the most important philosophical works of the Mahayana school?

  • (a) Prajnaparamita
  • (b) Avadana Kalpalata of Kshemendra
  • (c) Lalitavistara
  • (d) Lankavatara

Ans. (a) Prajnaparamita

17. How many stories are included in the Jatakas?

  • (a) 500
  • (b) 550
  • (c) 750
  • (d) 860

Ans. (a) 500

18. Which of the following is considered the most important vehicle of Buddhist ethical teachings?

  • (a) Jataka stories
  • (b) Sutta-vibhanga
  • (c) Vinaya Pitaka
  • (d) Mahavagga

Ans. (a) Jataka stories

19. Which of the following is the most famous non-canonical work of Buddhism, providing invaluable information on the history of India and Sri Lanka?

  • (a) Mahavamsa
  • (b) Dipavamsa
  • (c) Harivamsa
  • (d) Attha Katha

Ans. (a) Mahavamsa

20. Which of the following was not one of the symbols of the Buddha used for his remembrance before the introduction of his images?

  • (a) Bodhi trees
  • (b) Footprints
  • (c) Stupa
  • (d) Four lions

Ans. (d) Four lions

Fifth Part: UGC Net History Online Mock Test

21. One of the Buddhist works, which is a source of many Jataka stories and similar other narratives, is:

  • (a) Mahavastu
  • (b) Mahavamsa
  • (c) Kathavatthu
  • (d) Lalitavistara

Ans. (c) Kathavatthu

22. Which of the following is not one of the Three Jewels (triptans) of Buddhism?

  • (a) Buddha
  • (b) Dhamma
  • (c) Nirvana
  • (d) Sangha

Ans. (c) Nirvana

23. At which of the following places did a Buddhist university not evolve from the nucleus of an existing monastery?

  • (a) Nalanda
  • (b) Valabhi
  • (c) Vaishali
  • (d) Vikramshila

Ans. (c) Vaishali

24. The admission of which of the following to the sangha, at the instance of Ananda (the personal attendant of the Master), marked the beginning of an order of nuns in India?

  • (a) Yashodhara, the wife of the Buddha
  • (b) Gautami, the widowed stepmother of the Buddha
  • (c) Sujata, the merchant’s daughter, who- offered a bowl of milk to the Buddha after he had decided to give up austerities
  • (d) Mahamaya, the Buddha’s mother

Ans. (b) Gautami, the widowed stepmother of the Buddha

25. Which of the following is not a Mahayanist sect of Buddhism?

  • (a) Madhyamika
  • (b) Yogachara
  • (c) Vijnanavadins
  • (d) Sthaviravada

Ans. (d) Sthaviravada

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