Set 16: UGC Net History Online Mock Test

Set 16: UGC Net History Online Mock Test held in India: 25 multiple-question answers from the history topic of the UGC NET Exam are given below.

Set 16: UGC Net History Online Mock Test

Mock Test Set16
Question TypeMCQ
ExamUGC Net

First Part: UGC Net History Online Mock Test

1. Which of the following words are the non-Aryan loan words in the Rigveda? Choose the correct answer from the codes given below:

  • (1) Langala
  • (2) Gotra
  • (3) Ulukhala
  • (4) Odana


  • (b) 2, 3 and 4
  • (a) 1, 3 and 4
  • (c) 1 and 3
  • (d) 1 only

Ans. (c) 1 and 3

2. Who was the first person to speak of ‘Aryans’ as a race?

  • (a) Sir William Jones
  • (b) H. H. Wilson
  • (c) Max Muller
  • (d) General Cunningham

Ans. (c) Max Muller

3. In the Rigveda, the term duhitri used for the daughter literally means:

  • (a) The milker of the cow
  • (b) The one whose birth is unwelcome
  • (c) Curse to parents
  • (d) Who is to be donated in marriage?

Ans. (a) The milker of the cow

4. Which one of these is not a recension of the Rigveda ?

  • (a) Shaunaka
  • (b) Sakala
  • (c) Valakhilya
  • (d) Bashkala

Ans. (a) Shaunaka

5. Who was the first person to declare that there existed a definite relationship between Sanskrit and some of the Principal languages of Europe?

  • (a) Filippo Sassetti
  • (b) Max Muller
  • (c) Sir William Jones
  • (d) H. H. Wilson

Ans. (a) Filippo Sassetti

Second Part: UGC Net History Online Mock Test

6. The most well-known variety of grain grown by the Vedic Aryans was known as:

  • (a) Vrihi
  • (b) Yava
  • (c) Mugda
  • (d) Ikshu

Ans. (b) Yava

7. The epithets ambitame and devitame have been used in the Rigveda for:

  • (a) Sindhu river
  • (b) Saraswati river
  • (c) Ganga river
  • (d) Ravi river

Ans. (b) Saraswati river

8. Match the following Vedic gods with actual status or functions and choose the correct answer from the codes given below:

(a) PushanI. God of heaven and father of Surya
(b) SavitriII. Mother of Surya
(c) AditiIII. God of light
(d) DyausIV. God of marriages



Ans. (a) IV-III-II-I

9. Which one of the following Vedic literature or texts is the source of Indian music?

  • (a) Samveda
  • (b) Yajurveda
  • (c) Rik-samhita
  • (d) Rigveda
  • (e) Gopata-Brahamana

Ans. (a) Samveda

10. Indra, the Rigvedic god, defeated and destroyed the Varasikhas at Hariyupiya on behalf of an Aryan chief named:

  • (a) Taranta
  • (b) Abhyavartin Chayamana
  • (c) Purumintha
  • (d) Sudasa

Ans. (b) Abhyavartin Chayamana

Third Part: UGC Net History Online Mock Test

11. Which one of the following does not appear as the composer of the Rigvedic hymns?

  • (a) Vishvamitra
  • (b) Vasishtha
  • (c) Vamadeva
  • (d) Purukutsa

Ans. (d) Purukutsa

12. What is the traditional number of gods supposed to have existed according to the Rigveda?

  • (a) Eleven
  • (b) Nineteen
  • (c) Thirty-two
  • (d) Thirty-three

Ans. (d) Thirty-three

13. Who were the vratyas during the Vedic civilization?

  • (a) A priest of a non-Vedic fertility cult
  • (b) Fallen from the faith
  • (c) A clan of the tribe called Panis
  • (d) Priests of the Magadhas

Ans. (a) A priest of a non-Vedic fertility cult

14. Which of the following represents the correct order with regard to the organizational principles of the Rigveda?

  • (a) Sukta, Rik, Mandala, and Anuvaka
  • (b) Mandala, Anuvaka, Sukta, and Rik
  • (c) Mandala, Sukta, Rik, and Anuvaka
  • (d) Mandala, Sukta, Rik, and Anuvaka

Ans. (b) Mandala, Anuvaka, Sukta, Rik

15. The Last hymn of the Rigveda, invoking unity in solemn and beautiful language: “One and the same be your resolve and be your minds of one accord.”

“United be the thoughts of all that may happily agree,” refers to:

  • (a) Harmony between husband and wife
  • (b) Harmonious relations between the king and his ministers
  • (c) Concord between the king and the Assembly
  • (d) Unanimity between the Sabha and Samiti.

Ans. (c) Concord between the king and the Assembly

Fourth Part: UGC Net History Online Mock Test

16. Which of the following names is not connected with the Atharvaveda?

  • (a) Atharvangirasah
  • (b) Bhrigvangirasah
  • (c) Vajasanejyi Samhita
  • (d) Brahma-veda

Ans. (c) Vajasanejyi Samhita

17. In the Rigveda which of the following divinities is the consort of Dyaus?

  • (a) Prithivi
  • (b) Aranyani
  • (c) Ushas
  • (d) Ratri

Ans. (a) Prithivi

18. The term sabha-sthanu, literally, the pillar of the assembly hall, is used for :

  • (a) Rajan
  • (b) Thrower of dice
  • (c) Purohita
  • (d) Senani

Ans. (b) Thrower of dice

19. Bribu, mentioned in the Rigveda, was a:

  • (a) Chief of the Alinas
  • (b) Chief of the Pakthas
  • (c) Chief of the Purus
  • (d) Chief of the Panis

Ans. (d) Chief of the Panis

20. What was the main issue in the Dasarājña, i.e. the battle of ten kings?

  • (a) non-Aryan groups had captured the cows of the Vedic people.
  • (b) division of the waters of the Ravi.
  • (c) panis had stolen the cattle belonging to the Bharatas.
  • (d) Tvastr had refused to let off the waters of Ravi.

Ans. (b) division of the waters of the Ravi.

Fifth Part: UGC Net History Online Mock Test

21. Who is/are the presiding deity/deities of the vidatha? Choose the correct answer from the codes given below:

  • (1) Indra
  • (2) Mitra
  • (3) Varuna
  • (4) Agni


  • (a) Only 1
  • (b) Only 4
  • (c) 1 and 4
  • (d) 1, 2 and 3

Ans. (d) 1, 2 and 3

22. “He watches over the world, punishes the evil doers and forgives the sins of those who implore his pardon. The Sun is his eye, the sky is his garment and the storm is his breath. Rivers flow by his command; the sun shines; the star and the moon are in their courses for fear of him.”. The statement refers to the Vedic god:

  • (a) Indra
  • (b) Varuna
  • (c) Surya
  • (d) Marut

Ans. (b) Varuna

23. Janya in the Vedas were those who:

  • (a) Did not belong to the Jana.
  • (b) Belong to the Jana.
  • (c) Were the heads of the pura.
  • (d) Were the heads of the families.

Ans. (a) Did not belong to the Jana

24. Who were the fathers of the Rigvedic Purohita Vasishtha?

  • (a) Indra and Varuna
  • (b) Indra and Agni
  • (c) Mitra and Varuna
  • (d) Indra and Mitra

Ans. (c) Mitra and Varuna

25. The ‘Wedding Hymn’ describing the oldest marriage ritual is found in the:

  • (a) Rigveda
  • (b) Yajurveda
  • (c) Samaveda
  • (d) Grihya Sutras

Ans. (a) Rigveda

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