Set 19: UGC Net History Online Mock Test

Set 19: UGC Net History Online Mock Test held in India: 25 multiple-question answers from the history topic of the UGC NET Exam are given below.

Set 19: UGC Net History Online Mock Test

Mock Test Set19
Question TypeMCQ
ExamUGC Net

First Part: UGC Net History Online Mock Test

1. Which one of the following is not true about Janapada?

  • (a) Its literal meaning is the place where people place their feet.
  • (b) A Janapada was essentially an agricultural settlement.
  • (c) The Janapadas were often named after the dominant Kshatriya clans.
  • (d) The establishment of Janapadas shows that trade has become the most important factor in contemporary life.

Ans. (d) The establishment of Janapadas shows that trade has become the most important factor in contemporary life

2. Which of the following statements regarding Rigvedic women is not correct?

  • (a) They could attend assemblies and offer sacrifices along with their husbands
  • (b) Some unmarried women offered sacrifices on their own
  • (c) Women could occupy the highest positions of authority
  • (d) Women often choose their partners

Ans. (c) Women could occupy the highest positions of authority

3. The Kuru tribe included which two tribes of the earlier period?

  • (a) Bharata and Purus
  • (b) Purus and Anus
  • (c) Krivis and Panchalas
  • (d) Purus and Druhyus

Ans. (a) Bharata and Purus

4. Which one of the following is not true regarding the swastika (卐) symbol?

  • (a) The swastika appears to be not only pre-Vedic but also pre-Harappan in origin
  • (b) The swastika spread from Elam and Baluchistan to the Indus Valley and Turkmenistan
  • (c) Around 800 BC, the symbol appears as a decorative piece on PGW used for domestic purposes
  • (d) It is an exclusively Aryan symbol

Ans. (d) It is an exclusively Aryan symbol

5. How many times the term vaishyas as a varna has been mentioned in the Rigveda?

  • (a) One
  • (b) Two
  • (c) Three
  • (d) It does not make mention of

Ans. (d) It does not make mention of

Second Part: UGC Net History Online Mock Test

6. The term sthapati first occurs in which one of the following Vedic texts?

  • (a) Atharvaveda
  • (b) Rigveda
  • (c) Yajurveda
  • (d) Panchavimsa Brahmana

Ans. (a) Atharvaveda

7. Which of the following is not true regarding the differences between the Vedic culture and Harappan civilization?

  • (a) Vedic culture is mostly known from literary sources, whereas Harappan civilization is mostly known from archaeological sources
  • (b) The Vedic Aryans had developed language and literature, while the Harappans were illiterate
  • (c) Vedic people were excellent traders, whereas Harappans traded on a moderate scale
  • (d) Vedic culture was completely rural, whereas Harappan civilization was urban

Ans. (c) Vedic people were excellent traders, whereas Harappans traded on a moderate scale

8. Asandivat was the capital of the

  • (a) Kurus
  • (b) Purus
  • (c) Kuru-Panchala
  • (d) Heavenly kingdom

Ans. (c) Kuru-Panchala

9. In the course of the eastward movement, the Aryans encountered people using:

  • (a) OCP
  • (b) Blackware
  • (c) Redware
  • (d) NBPW

Ans. (a) OCP

10. Which one of the following texts mentions for the first time a story related to the origin of kingship?

  • (a) Atharvaveda
  • (b) Chandogya Upanishad
  • (c) Aitareya Brahmana
  • (d) Gopatha Brahmana

Ans. (c) Aitareya Brahmana

Third Part: UGC Net History Online Mock Test

11. Which of the following kingdoms did not appear in the later Vedic north of India?

  • (a) Kuru-Panchala
  • (b) Kosala
  • (c) Kashi
  • (d) Videha
  • (e) Anga

Ans. (e) Anga

12. The term Kacha in the Vedic texts denotes:

  • (a) Bronze artifacts
  • (b) Copper implements
  • (c) Iron goods
  • (d) Glass beads and bangles

Ans. (d) Glass beads and bangles

13. Which of the following is true about the later Vedic age or period?

  • (a) Iron was not known to them
  • (b) Iron was mostly used in making weapons
  • (c) Iron was mostly used in making agricultural implements
  • (d) Iron was an item of prestige goods

Ans. (b) Iron was mostly used in making weapons

14. The region called Majjhima desha, as described in the early Pali texts, largely corresponds with which of the following regions?

  • (a) Eastern Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.
  • (b) Western Uttar Pradesh and Eastern Uttar Pradesh.
  • (c) Panjab, Haryana and Western Uttar Pradesh.
  • (d) Whole of Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh.

Ans. (a) Eastern Uttar Pradesh and Bihar

15. Which one of the following texts mentions all four ashramas for the first time?

  • (a) Panchavimsa Brahmana
  • (b) Jabala Upanishad
  • (c) Aitareya Upanishad
  • (d) Mandukya Upanishad

Ans. (b) Jabala Upanishad

Fourth Part: UGC Net History Online Mock Test

16. The first reaction to Brahmanical dominance and the extremely ritualistic later Vedic religion is manifested in:

  • (a) Aranyakas
  • (b) Upanishads
  • (c) Kalpa Sutras
  • (d) Nikayas

Ans. (b) Upanishads

17. Which one of the following is not true about the gana-sanghas of ancient India?

  • (a) Varna, as a system of social status and organization, was Absentgana-e Gana-Sangha.
  • (b) There is an absence of the collection of taxes by a superordinate agency.
  • (c) The concept of private property was not well established in the Gana-sanghas.
  • (d) Igana-sanghas, sanghas, and major sacrificial rituals were organized very often.

Ans. (d) In the Sanghas, major sacrificial rituals were organized very often

18. Which Vedic text first refers to money lending?

  • (a) Satapatha Brahmana
  • (b) Gopatha Brahmana
  • (c) Atharvaveda
  • (d) Yajurveda

Ans. (a) Satapatha Brahmana

19. Which of the following names are related to the place now known as Rajgir? Choose the correct answer from the codes given below:

  • (1) Kushagrapura
  • (2) Kushinagara
  • (3) Girivrajapura
  • (4) Naimisharanya


  • (a) 1 and 2
  • (b) only 3
  • (c) 1 and 3
  • (d) 3 and 4

Ans. (c) 1 and 3

20. Which of the following kings was the first to create the office of commander, i.e., commander-in-chief?

Ans. (c) Pasendi

Fifth Part: UGC Net History Online Mock Test

21. The capital of which of the following Janapadas was not shifted from one place to another?

  • (a) Koshala
  • (b) Magadha
  • (c) Champa
  • (d) Kuru

Ans. (c) Champa

22. What made the gana-sangha areas a mleccha desha in Brahmanicapost in the post-Vedic period? Choose the correct answer from the codes given below :

  • (1) Absence of ranking based on varna
  • (2) Rejection of Vedic rituals
  • (3) killing of cows
  • (4) Speaking alien languages


  • (a) 1 and 2
  • (b) only 2
  • (c) 1 and 4
  • (d) only 3

Ans. (a) 1 and 2

23. The names such as Ketumati, Surundhana, Sudassana, Brahmavaddhana, Pushpavati, Ramma and Molini refer to which one of the following cities?

  • (a) Varanasi
  • (b) Rajagriha
  • (c) Kalinga
  • (d) Koshala

Ans. (a) Varanasi

24. The early Pali texts mention four great forests or maha-arannas. Which one of the following is not one of them?

  • (a) Dandaka
  • (b) Kalinga
  • (c) Mejja
  • (d) Saranga

Ans. (d) Saranga

25. Which of the following Rigvedic functionaries had some permanent responsibility for defense?

  • (a) Bhagdugh
  • (b) Purapati
  • (c) Madhya Msi
  • (d) Jiva Garbha

Ans. (b) Purapati

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